Friday, June 6, 2008

The Maze of Cardboard

The apartment is stacks of cardboard that shift and change every day. We can't find the salad spinner, we can't find the water filter, some furniture doesn't fit where we had hoped. That thing is happening where important paperwork is beginning to scurry around the house while we're not looking - you find a bill on the mantle, some mortgage paperwork in the guest room wedged between two boxes in a stack, and an important receipt is at large. I found the remotes for the DVD player in the file boxes, laying on top of the "credit report" files.

Your brain is pulling apart trying to figure out why there's so much mismatch in your life. It's like a dream/nightmare. I would not be surprised if my fifth grade teacher walked out of the kitchen and handed me an otter.

This weekend we'll push through most of it and get some sanity back. For now we're just happy the kitchen is functional and we've had some fun dinners at home.


Anonymous said...

The two-fold nightmare of selling the cabin is leaving, yes, but, mostly "THE MOVE". I'd rather have all of my teeth pulled - work as an account behind a desk with papers everywhere and nothing but numbers (for one week only that is). If your teacher comes out of one of those boxes, you have a best seller and a screen play. I guess eating that elephant is really only one bit at a time. You really are making progress - it's just there's no rest - I mean mental rest until it's done. Hang in there, love ya, Mom

SteveJ said...

we ate a lot of the elephant lastnight, the downstairs neighbors were out of town and we had a big dose of caffine. We emptied five or six boxes and put things away. We're getting there! Thanks for the encouragement!