Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Opossums love scrambled eggs

Apparently, when you are rehabilitating a lost opossum, you should feed it scrambled eggs. They love eggs. I should try sticking my head down into my garage's utility sink and give it a sniff - could it smell like scrambled eggs? Is that what attracted a small opossum to climb down into the sink last night and scare the bejezus out of me while I was doing laundry?

He turned out to be a real cutie. Sort of semi-playing-dead while we stood over the sink talking about him. He laid his head down on the ground, sort of like, "okay, I'm dead now, go away please noisy, pasty, hairless tree monsters." I can't help but wonder what we sound like to a trembling opossum in a garage. Does our loud blabbering sound like birds chirping? Soothing and inspiring? Or is it like when you hear monkeys babbling on TV? Just non sensical squawking?

Anyway, he held perfectly still as we lowered a little wastebasket over him, slipped cardboard underneath, and carried him out to the street. Ellen was amazed at how calm he was, and is now determined to find some baby opossums and try holding them in her hand. She says opossums have now surpassed raccoons in the cuteness category.

It's Wednesday the 21st of May, our 14th wedding anniversary! We are going to a club tonight to see Robin Williams working on new material. We've seen one of these shows before, a couple years ago, and he does nearly three hours of non-stop new material. You're exhausted from laughing when it's done - he is amazingly raw and funny in person.

We get the keys to our new apartment on Friday afternoon. We'll spend the holiday weekend moving little boxes over, setting up a few lawn chairs in the living room until the movers come on the 31st, and hanging out in our backyard. We've never had a backyard before, and I'm at a loss for what to do with it. Not really a gardener, unless spraying things with the hose counts as something. In my hands, gardening shears turn into a ravenous T Rex, and there are some gaping dead holes in our shrubs left after the attack. I don't get assigned that job anymore.


Jen James said...

Hey, first of all, happy anniversary! Secondly, the visual of you as t-rex is killing me. I'm on the floor! Lastly, I suspect your reputation as an omlet maker has gotten out to the oppossum population..good thing you're moving; word travels pretty slow in their circles.

SteveJ said...

Thanks for the comments!! Yes, It's possible that my omelette skills have been posted to and now they are coming to find me.

Anonymous said...

I talked to you today AND forgot it was your anniversary..well i may have not remembered..or maybe that's the same thing..anyway 14 years is crazy. just thinking it will be 8 years for us soon is even more crazy. i'm totally lauging too about the landscaping results. it's like thinking you can cut your own hair. anyhoobe, at least it wasn't a snake in the tub. that would have been lights out for me.

SteveJ said...

Snake in the tub would be rough. I guess I'd throw a mongoose in there with him and close the curtain.

Jen James said...

If there was a snake in my kitchen, the kitchen would be set on fire, regardless of the results to the remaining house. Just the thought of it makes all my sphincters tighten. I'm also laughing at the oppossum website!! Just thinking of the pull-down tabs on it: "nighttime buffets," "to cross or not to cross, how to tell when to run," "playing dead, where it can get you," "maintaining a healthy tail in the hot weather,"

Anonymous said...

I'm playing dead also because i thought the anniversary was a couple of days later! So I'm in the same thought pattern as Shannon. As far as the possom goes//its great to be a homeowner with a back yard. I know where to get some polish sausges is sfo for a good barbaque--oh ohhhh do you have one and do you have the knowledge on how to set it and the meat on fire while the wife watches from the safety of the kitchen windoe?????????????????

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary to you, happy anniversary to you, happy anniversary dear Steve and Ellen, happy anniversary to youuuuuuuu!! We were on the floor laughing so hard reading your oppossum story - and the comments - if we could have only seen your face when your eyes spotted the little creature in the sink!!!!!! Is he going to really play dead, or leap out at me, bit me in the face, as we discover later that he has special wings under his feet and can fly during times of fear and anxiety in any direction up or down or sideways or zig-zagging in a spinning motion. Encyclopedia Brittania, Vol. 26, pg. 482 Mom

SteveJ said...

There might be BBQ this weekend - that's a good idea. Might be a nice break from moving boxes.

Actually when I first saw him in the sink, I was walking towards it to move the laundry to the dryer, and he tried to hop out of the sink, so I kind of stopped and had a small heart attack, then walked closer and saw that it was essentially a small stuffed animal and not a scary rat or something, and I started laughing hysterically like you might when you're scared on a roller coaster.